Author: luxury&property

Szimpla Cafe Pub Budapest
Szimpla Cafe Pub in the number 1 attraction in the Budapest nightlife. c

The most beautiful cafe of the world New York Cafe Budapest
The most beautiful cafe of the world New York Cafe Budapest, according to the

The biggest bio organic market in Budapest
The biggest bio organic market in Budapest, Hungary. Adress Budapest XII. Csörsz u . Open on saturdays 6.30-13. Free parking avaiable. Apple 2 euro/kilo, carrot 2 euro/kilo, cabbage 2-3 euor/kilo c

Antique Market Budapest
Half day guided tour to Budapest antique markets 99 euro each(including transport up to 3 persons). Antique and flea markets guided tours: Saturday between 9-12 am. cheap flea and antique market or Sunday : 9-12 am mid range flea and antique market or Sunday 13-16 expensive antique market

Free ice rink Budapest
Free ice rink Budapest, Hungary, at the Balna

Christmas fair Budapest
Christmas fair Budapest downtown

Romantic cobblestone street Budapest
Romantic cobblestone street Budapest, Hungary

One of the world’s most beautiful library Budapest
One of the world’s most beautiful library is in Budapest Hungary 8th district

Rolex Boutique Budapest
Rolex Boutique Budapest Hungary opening December 2016

6 reasons why you should move to Hungary?
Suddenly more news came out about the German migration due to security problems and migration… to Hungary. What? Forget it. Do not accept the simplified answers, rather follow your intuition or our advice. Believe us, there are more important reasons to move to Hungary. At least 6. Reason #1:…Read More→